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Free sms

Online SMS services
There are more than hundred sites that offers a free services to send a free sms. It is totally free of charge and you make make a free call too sometime.

1. Free SMS
This web provide free SMS functionality.


Available in : USA, Sweden, Argentina, Philippines, UK, France, Canada. 

2.Send SMS now
This web provide to send free SMS over the world. You can send the SMS with any registration.

3. Indyarocks
 This web provide a services to send a group SMS on indyarocks only.It is only available in india.
 (india only).

4. Seasms
This web provide a free services and they also offer paid a services.


5. Send SMS now
 Send a free SMS now and it is totally free all over the world.


6. Send SMS free 4 all
 Start to send a free SMS now and and you no need to send a message from your phone.


7. Talksms
 Start to send a free SMS from talksms now and and get a free SMS daily.

8. Hot free SMS
 Hot free SMS is a good services to send SMS all over the world. Start to SMS your friends now.


9. Text4free
 Text4free site is a good services to send SMS all over the world. Start to SMS your friends now.


10. JungleSMS

 JungleSMS site is a good services to send SMS all over the world. Start to SMS your friends  now. It is 100% free of charge.

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